An invite only virtual event for Christian education leaders working to catalyze innovative change in our schools
Virtual Gathering
With the world radically changed due to COVID-19, plans to gather in person have been put on hold. Instead, this fall we will host a virtual conference by invitation only, on Tuesday and Thursday, October 20 and 22, respectively (with sessions offered at 12 noon and 5:30pm, Eastern USA).
The purpose of the conference is to both provide sessions related to the recent book, MindShift: Catalyzing Change in Christian Education, as well as push beyond the book to raise pressing and often controversial questions facing Christian schools, educators, and students. We sometimes refer to these as “mind blown” questions.
About MindShift
MindShift is an organic, informal, and international network of Christian education leaders working to catalyze innovative change in our schools. We provide forums for like-minded Christian education leaders—and friends who care about the mission of Christian education—to converse, convene, and collaborate.
Using a flipped model, sessions will feature a pre-recorded keynote to be viewed by attendees prior to the conference, and then a 60-minute engagement session with panels and discussion groups led by school and field leaders.
Pre-Conference Welcome: Setting the Stage
Pre-Conference Welcome
Conflict as Opportunity? Recovering the Ever So Relevant Ministry of Reconciliation

Before coming to The Colossian Forum, Michael served as pastor of Christ Community Church in Des Moines, Iowa. He and his wife Jodie have two children.
Tuesday, October 20, 12:00PM EST/USA
Session 1
Isolated to Networked: Update from the UK

Session 2
Machine to Human: What Does Love Require?

Tuesday, October 20, 5:30PM EST/USA
Session 3
White to Mosaic (with keynote: For God So Loved the World: A Blueprint for Kingdom Diversity)

Along with being a diversity consultant, frequent conference speaker, and itinerant preacher, Dr. Strickland is an associate Research Fellow of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), and his work has appeared in The Gospel Project, Canon and Culture (of the ERLC), the Gospel Coalition, the Biblical Recorder, Christianity Today, Baptist Press, and World Magazine among other media outlets. He has contributed to, edited, and authored multiple books in his areas of research interest.

Session 4
Siloed to Engaged: Shalom, Reconciliation, and Indigenous Peoples

He has completed extensive formal study, including doctoral studies through the University of Queensland where his PhD explored “How Principals are cultivating Sustainable School Cultures Within Christian Schools During Changing Times”. Darren’s thesis was awarded the Grassie-Basset prize for best thesis in Educational Administration from The University of Queensland and also won the Research in Educational Leadership Management Award from the Australian Council of Educational Leaders (ACEL).
Thursday, October 22, 12:00PM EST/USA
Session 5
Digital Life Together in a COVID-19 World

David earned his B.A. in Modern Languages (German and Russian) at Oxford University; a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of Nottingham; an M.Phil. in Philosophy of Education/Philosophical Theology from the Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto; and a Ph.D. in Education with a specialism in Curriculum Studies from the University of London.

Session 6
Christian Education in the Majority World: Vision and Engagement

Thursday, October 22, 5:30PM EST/USA
Session 7
White Evangelicalism and the Current Political Moment

Session 8
Women Leaders for Christian Education